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Back You are here: Home Library Chapter three: Tawaf and its prayer Some issues about neglecting tawaf, deficiency in it and doubt during it

Some issues about neglecting tawaf, deficiency in it and doubt during it

Some issues about neglecting tawaf, deficiency in it and doubt during it

Issue 279. Tawāf is a rukn which would make ‘umrah void if it is neglected purposely until the end of its time, no matter whether one was aware of the rule or ignorant of it.
Issue 280. It is not obligatory to perform tawaf immediately upon arrival to Mecca but one can delay it until the moment when there is enough time will remain to attain the normal wuqÅ«f at ‘Arafāt (which starts from the 'noon' on the 9th of dhul-Hijjah until sunset on the same day) after completing the tawaf and relating practices.

Issue 281. If one had invalidated his / her ‘umrah, whether by the previous method or other methods that will be mentioned, then it is based on caution for him / her to shift to hajj al-ifrād, to perform ‘umrah al-mufradah after it, and perform ‘umrah and hajj in the next year; then, if hajj as obligatory for him / her.
Issue 282. If one forgetfully neglects the tawāf and remembers it before expiration of its time, he / she has to perform it with its prayer then repeat sa‘y after them.
Issue 283. If he forgetfully neglected the tawāf and he remembered it after the end of its time, he is obliged to perform it as qaḍā’ with its prayer at any possible time. But if one remembers after returning to one's country, then if he / she can return to Mecca without extraordinary hardship and difficulty, he / she is obliged to do so; otherwise, he / she should have a na'ib to make it and it is not obligatory to repeat the sa‘y after doing qaḍā’ of the tawāf and its prayer.
Issue 284. One who purposefully or forgetfully neglected the tawāf, then those things and practices which would otherwise not be hÌ£alāl but by performing the tawāf, would become hÌ£alāl for one if he / she or his / her nā’ib performs the tawāf. The case is the same for someone who inattentively makes his / her tawāf deficient.
Issue 285. For someone who can not perform the tawāf within its time limit even if he / she is aided by another person, due to a disease, a fracture or the like, it would be obligatory to carry him / her to perform the tawāf if possible; otherwise having a na'ib for that would be obligatory.
Issue 286. If someone, after finishing his / her tawāf and leaving tawaf path entertained doubt about the number of rounds he / she had done i.e. more or less than seven, let him / her ignore his / her doubt and the tawāf would be ruled to be correct.

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